Vivian Maier - Photographer (Feb. 1, 1926 – Apr. 21, 2009)

Maier was an American photographer. She worked for about forty years as nanny, mostly in Chicago, pursuing photography during her spare time. She took more than 150,000 photographs, primarily of the people and architecture of Chicago, NYC, and LA.

Maier's photographs were unknown and unpublished during her life. A Chicago collector acquired some of her photos in 2007, while two other Chicago-based collectors also found some of Maier's prints and negatives in her boxes and suitcases around the same time. Maier's photographs were first published on the Internet in July 2008 but the work received little response. In October 2009, Maier's photographs were posted on Flickr, and went viral, with thousands of people expressing interest. Her work subsequently attracted critical acclaim, and have been exhibited around the world. See more of her photographs here.


David Byrne - Musician

Talking Heads ’77 and Stop Making Sense (Live Album) were big albums for me. I listened to them endlessly in HS/college and on a bike trip thru the mid-west in my early 20’s. Byrne could do it all, punk, new wave, pop, world music, etc. Love his influence on music. Listen here to Don’t Worry About the Gov’t (a track from Talking Heads ‘77.

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Fibonacci Sequence

a.k.a. the Golden Ratio is another underlying structure that fascinates me. Check out artist/educator Dr. John Edmark’s 5min. video (via Science Friday) about the golden ratio appearing in nature.


Richard Serra - Artist

Many of Serra’s large steel sculptures are balanced in place which adds to the tension when walking around or within - we like to call this “Danger Art”. See more works here.


Kehinde Wiley - Painter

Wiley famously painted Barack Obama’s portrait for the Smithsonian National Gallery which houses the portraits of all the US Presidents. See his bold painting here.

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Humans of New York - Social Experiment

Photographer, Brandon Stanton, started taking photos of people in New York and captioning each picture with a story an individual or group shared with him at the time. Needless to say, his experiment has grown, see more here.


Franz Kline - Painter (1910-1962)

I’ve always loved his action paintings.

Years ago, I read that early in his painting career Franz Kline ran across the room and jumped into the arms of artist Robert Motherwell (see earlier post) upon their first meeting - not sure if it’s true, but I like to believe that it is.

More about Kline here.
