Solar Decathlon - Competition

The Solar Decathlon is a great idea for an architectural/engineering competition. Ten U.S. colleges/universities participate and have a year to conceive of and execute a zero energy house. Each project needs to be transported to and assembled on the mall in D.C. and awards are given out in various categories. Read more here.

p.s. There is also now an international competition.

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Radiolab - Podcast and Radio Program

I’ve been listening to this radio show since 2005 and this episode about cats falling out NYC apartment windows and (often) surviving has come up more in conversation than nearly any other story I’ve heard from this program. Here’s the funny and surprising cat story and here is the link to Radiolab.

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Mirror Neurons - Science

Mirror neurons are a type of brain cell that fires when you do an action, and also when you simply watch someone else doing the same action. For example, when you are grabbing a cup of coffee, Motor Neuron A (which also happens to be a Mirror Neuron) fires to tell your hand to reach out and grip the handle of the cup.
