Harmony Korine - writer/director

Korine is best known for writing Kids (1995) and writing/directing Gummo (1997). His non-linear, fragmented style of storytelling and dark subject matter tends not to be for everyone, however, it’s hard to argue with his boundry-pushing experimentation of film. Read more here.


Richard Nickel - Architectural Photographer 1928-1972

Nickel spent much of his adult life, in Chicago, photographing buildings slated for demo. He was particularly obsessed with capturing Louis Sullivan works and would remove artifacts/details before complete destruction. He would ultimately meet his untimely death when Sullivan’s doomed Stock Exchange Building would collapse while Nickel was inside. See/read more about him here.


Amy Hempel - Writer

Amy Hempel is one of those writers that understands how to structure her writing sparingly but with great power. Here’s a 3min. video of her reading two of her short stories.


Oliver Sacks - Author, Neurologist

I like these photos of the younger Oliver Sacks, as most of us only became familiar with him as an older soft spoken scientist. His book, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, excellently captures his curiosity, humor and compassion. Easily find more about him online.


Humans of New York - Social Experiment

Photographer, Brandon Stanton, started taking photos of people in New York and captioning each picture with a story an individual or group shared with him at the time. Needless to say, his experiment has grown, see more here.



This is one of those books I refer to a couple times a year. It looks at how humans create dwellings and more, through an anthropological lens - studying early hut techniques to community water and sanitation. It’s just a good reminder that people have been doing this for a long time and there are no right answer but lots of great shared ideas.

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Joel Sternfeld - Photographer

He takes large format photographs (which typ. requires a great deal of setup) - I have no idea how he gets these masterfully composed images.

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