Steel Window Frame/Trim Install on Rear Addition at 3415

Hayden & I installed this today. It reached 100º in Denver, luckily we wrapped-up by about 1pm. Very happy with how it came out and all-in-all not too difficult. Hayden should be able to weld the other smaller window (around the corner) in the next 2 week or so - will provide pictures and updates on that as well.

Note: The paint store was able to mix our preferred color and put it into a spray can for about $25.


Ephoria Bridal Shop by Ngoac Space (Vietnam)

It’s not so much that it’s a bridal shop - what I appreciate is how much the architecture elegantly reflects the style and minimalism of the products being made (dresses).

Observations: a. this project is in Vietnam, yet all the text/signage inside and out is in English b. the thick front door is made of the same material (stucco?) as the rest of the facade and swings inward c. it appears there are fewer than 15 dresses on display throughout the shop. Read more.

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Ext. Window Frame/Trim Upgrade

It’s time to finally change out the frame/trim on two windows from our house addition from 5yrs. ago. The wood frames aren’t holding up to the elements so with the help of Hayden and his welder, we’re making 5/8” steel replacements. I’m eager to see how this detail works and hopefully can incorporate it into future projects (from scratch, I’ll likely lean toward 3/8” steel). Keep an eye out for updates, install should be in about two weeks.

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The Tower by Frank Gehry, Arles, France

This is the area in the south of France where van Gogh did much of his art. A beautiful part of the country I was fortunate to visit in my early 20s, while hitchhiking around with Greg Burns.

Gehry says the design references Arles' Roman architecture, the nearby mts. and Starry Night, which was painted nearby. Clad with 11,000 irregular stainless steel panels, the tower was designed to be a landmark structure for the arts centre. Read more.


E. Fay Jones - Architect (Jan. 31, 1921 – Aug. 30, 2004)

Fay Jones was an American architect/designer and began as a student of Frank Lloyd Wright. In the latter part of his life and career, he was architecture instructor at the University of Arkansas (Fayetteville). In the early 90s, I was fortunate to work with Lars on a Fay Jones house a mile or two from the University. Louis DeMarco, the original owner of the house (maybe in her 80s at the time) was friends with Fay - she and her husband had approached him early in his career to have him design their house. When she showed us the original blueprints from the 60s I asked if she’d mind if I made copies (she said yes). I studied the dwgs and compared them to the final built structure and was blown away by the mastery of the design/hand-drawn documents + the high craft of the construction. Those copies live in a box in our basement - I will revisit them for a later post.

in 2015, when up in Crested Butte with Dave, Brynn, Seth, Cindy and all of our kids, Seth would take me on a bike ride around the idyllic mt. town and swing me by a Fay Jones house he had discovered years earlier. We both walked around it for some time and marveled at the boldness and elegance of the design. On that same weekend, I would sneak away for a few hrs. and help Lars finish a small deck project (which was my favorite way of hanging out with him, making stuff) and he would share tidbits that he had learn about the Jones house over his years from doing carpentry in CB. Read more.

Shaheen-Goodfellow Cottage, known as Stoneflower is nestled in the gently rolling foothills of the Arkansas Ozarks and surrounded by pristine Greer's Ferry Lake

Shaheen-Goodfellow Cottage, known as Stoneflower is nestled in the gently rolling foothills of the Arkansas Ozarks and surrounded by pristine Greer's Ferry Lake


Habitat for Humanity Beginning First 3D-Printed House (Tempe, AZ)

This seems like perfect grounds for experimenting with this new-ish technology, given the majority of Habitat for Humanity labor is typically volunteer. Will update as these homes become finished and will provide any information around the process. Read more.

Also, I’ve always like the idea that ‘traditional’ 3D printers could be used to make more 3D printers, I look fwd to seeing other things that can be done with these large scale printers.


Shack in the Rocks / Sean Godsell Architects (Australia)

I love how paired down the interior of this dwelling is and how the generous and expansive exterior covered space promotes taking in the world. I’ve been a fan of Godsell since architecture school (20+ yrs ago) when I ran across his brilliantly simple shipping container relief structure, Future Shack. Great to see consistent threads throughout his work. Read more about Shack in the Rocks here.

NOTE: Sanborn Camps drop-off was a treat - really incredible people at that place.

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Criba Building - Rama Estudio (Ecuador)

Someone really likes fasteners and long straight lines. I want this project to be a little more unfinished in places - I’d bet it was just about right (for me) when it was around 3/4 complete. Read more.

Note: Really good hanging with friends the other night and remembering Lars, look fwd to more of that.

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Ryuichi Ashizawa Architects Half Barn in Hashimoto

Lots to love about this one: inside/outside spaces, curved steps, simple palette, lots of glass and the open structure as part roof, part sun shade in tandem with exterior wall. Read more.

Side note: We’re meeting with some Denver and nearby friends tomorrow evening to gather for Lars. Looking forward to seeing some good folks we haven’t seen in a while.
